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Deloris Jordan

Committed to uplifting
and building community and increasing opportunity.  
Inviting you to do your part and give back to those in need. 

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Get involved - Volunteer

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In 1989, the Michael Jordan Foundation began the Michael Jordan Education Club.  The Club encouraged youth across the United States to improve their grades and attendance in school, and offered the opportunity for students to earn a trip for themselves, a parent, and a teacher to Chicago for a weekend of festivities.  The program concluded in 1993, with six participants earning a trip to Africa in order to learn and gain a better understanding of the native culture of the Maasai Tribe of Kenya.

It was then that the people and culture of Kenya first touched Mrs. Deloris Jordan's heart.   The 14-day educational excursion to the Maasai Mara was an experience that would forever alter the lives of both the Americans and the Kenyans.

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Get Involved.  At the James R. Jordan Foundation, we believe in leveling the academic playing field for hard-working students regardless of their socio-economic status.

We could not do the work to support our students, schools and communities without the mentors, volunteers, corporate and financial partners who provide the resources we need to ensure our students' academic success. 

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